Hey and howdy y'all!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Last weekend I posted about my newly painted kitchen island and asked if it worked with the current green wall:

Some of you really love it, most agreed with me that the 2 colors fought with each other. Then, Heather at Setting for Four left me a comment with a color suggestion with links to pictures of Benjamin Moore's Wythe Blue. I almost cried when I saw it, I loved it so much!! I slept on it a couple days... then ran over to our local Ace Hardware to get a gallon mixed up. {Remind me next time I buy paint that I DO NOT need any more roller covers!!} I couldn't wait to get home and get started. The paint was lovely and covered in one coat. The whole thing took me less than 2 hours. That's what I call {almost} instant gratification!
And here, is the NEW and improved Nutmeg Place kitchen:

Yep, our cats get on the counter. We've tried for years to keep them off, but have decided at this point - our house is their house. We just sanitize the counters very frequently.

I went to Ikea and half the store was closed for a 'facelift', what a bummer! But, I picked up a couple more fakie plants and these darling pots:

SO cute!!

Kita's rose bush is so heavy with roses I was afraid some of the branches might snap. So, I cut some and put them in a little vase. Aren't they beautiful?? I can't wait for the peonies to open! Her roses smell as pretty as they look.

So, what do we think of the Wythe Blue?? It's actually Benjamin Moore's color of the year for 2012. Sooooooo in tune with the trends I am! Or, Heather is! <3 <3 <3
Let me know what you think!
Enjoy your weekend lovies!