Hey, hey and happy Monday! {Is that even POSSIBLE??} Well, mine was. The weather here has been pretty warm and so allergies are off the chart. Feeling pretty 'sinus-ey' and there is still a cloud hanging over our little home. It will just take time for it to lift. But, a good Monday anyway.
Last night while I was relaxing after a day of laundry and cleaning, I was perusing our local online classified ads looking for furniture... always hunting for goodies. Let me back up a few days: Ever since we moved into our large home with a not so large furniture budget, I've been looking for handed down items that can be repurposed, which is the point of this little blog. Sometimes I have luck, sometimes not so much. ANYway... I've been looking for someone who can make those gorgeous custom slip covers for some seriously ugly but seriously comfy chairs in my living room, haven't had luck until now. We also have a local facebook page for our little town that people can post anything for sale, yard sales, services etc... which has really been a lifesaver. I posted there about a week ago in hopes someone would know of someone who did slipcovers. Loads of ladies recommended Custom Slipcovers by Shelley, I went to her blog and my jaw dropped. If you live on the Wasatch Front of SLC and want slipcovers you HAVE to check out her stuff!!
She did this gorgeous set:

And this one makes me die... I mean... DIE:

I mean, have you EVER seen anything so fantastic in your life?!?! Just stunning beyond belief.
So, back to last night. I was perusing the classifieds and saw 2 adorable, slipcovered barrel chairs and the ad said to contact 'Shelley'... I knew right away these chairs were hers. I messaged her the minute I saw them. I drove the 2 minutes over to her house and that was it. I was in love. They had to be mine. I will show them to you in a seccie. We talked and got on the subject of pillow covers, she went and grabbed a bag full of them and started pulling out the most gorgeous covers! Yep, I picked 6 of them to come home with me too. Ok, so then I got them home and since I have ZERO patience I started 'futzing' {what Drew calls staging} and rearranging furniture. It was like 9 PM people. NO patience! But see, this is good. I've never really showed our living space {our main floor is one HUGE area} because I've never been happy with it. It's hard to figure out how to break the space up. I shouldn't complain. Too much space is a problem lots of people would love to have.
So, without further adu... I will show you how things ended up at 10PM last night. :-) You have to take my word for it, since I've never really shown you this part of the house, that it looks much, MUCH better now.
Our 'living/TV area':

I'm planning on painting the little side tables Wythe Blue to pull the kitchen color into the living room. And, it matches the pillow covers I got from Shelley {be sure to notice the fuzzy grey mouse on the floor under the side table. Just keeping it real folks}:

I got a pair of this... and it reverses to:

Chenille! *SQUEE* I need some fluffier inserts to do these babies justice!
Then, I got these matching darlings made with a houndstooth design:

I'm so in love with these. Oh yes, I even got a matching lumbar pillow cover that ended up here:

Max approves.

Amazing what a difference these made in our space. I'm actually loving it for the first time!!
And now... {DRUM ROLL} my new chairs:

Look at the casters!! *MORE SQUEE* These are just on your left as you walk in the front door, just past the staircase.
She even gave me the darling lumbar pillow and another matching set included! I'm so in love with these!

I used one of the houndstooth pillows on this one.

And then... my camera battery died. *NO SQUEE* I was losing daylight and I was just too derned excited to show these to you... cause you are my BFF's.
Aren't they ADORBS?? What a stupid word... adorbs. They are GORGEOUS! I can't wait for my ugly chairs to finally be covered and just as gorgeous! Thanks Shelley! You made this girl VERY, VERY happy!!
P.S. Funny story... Shelley's hubby's parent is my Aunt Virgina's sibling. So, she is my Aunt & Uncle's Niece by marriage. Got that?!?! :-)