Fragrance Girl

Show Off Saturday #12 ~

Howdy friends!

From the comments I received when I asked how you felt about Show Off Saturday, I have to agree with you all. The reason I should continue SOS is because we all love getting together. I tend to forget that not all of you reading are bloggers. Very, very good point! So, on that note... SOS will continue!

I'm a little behind, I apologize!

The features from the previous SOS are:

I die. I love this cup cozy more than I can tell you. When Heather at Setting for Four starts selling these, I am the first in line!!

Another one I'm dying over. This reminds me of the Restoration Hardware deconstructed stuff. Karen at Somewhat Quirky did this one and it's just amazing.

My buddy mcvick at Center of Attention Deficit Disorder made this adorable planter. When I asked her how she got it to stack straight, she told me she spoke very sternly to it. LOL!! She's clever AND hysterical!

So now, onto this weeks fun! Remember - NO RULES!

My party will never be as awesome as this one, but let's party anyway!

Have a great weekend lovies!