If you visit this site even somewhat regularly (still shocked that you keep coming back) you might know a few random facts about me. Amongst them are probably the following:
1. I'm having a Margeila moment and
2. Une Fille Comme Moi by Garance Dore´ is quite possibly my favorite street style blog.
So - now knowing these 2 things (if you didn't already) you will understand why the following image stopped me in my tracks. I don't know if I've ever laid eyes on someone so unmistakably cool (for serious lack of a better term). Her edgy summer whites made all the better by her shredded Margeila jeans and tron sunglasses. Not to mention the brilliance of the moment flawlessly captured on film by Garance - white-washed to perfection.

Pics of Shakri (Russian stylist) via une fille comme moi