Fragrance Girl
Sarah Jessica Parker Covet EdP [It's a Fabulous Friday Give Away]
Top New Spring Scents [According to Style List]
> Camo Me, Camo You?
> I Just Don't Know...
> Fashion Addition
> Purple Words To Live By...
> A Trench Called Quest...
> Isabel Marant Badel Boots
> Cropped and Capped
> Gourmet Fashion
> Ode to Brad?!
> Bohemian Dreaming
An obsession is born
French Lesson Friday No 1 - "It Is, Isn't It?"
A Humbled Heart
Mandragore Pourpre by Annick Goutal
Sometimes you just need to add a great vintage coat for a
InStyle Magazine's Autumn Winter Scent Selection
Summer Fragrance Ideas [Clarins, Annick Goutal, Pucci and CB I Hate Perfume]
Les joies du printemps: les fleurs sur les toits, à la fenêtre, et par terre
Wearing Vintage [Nini in Vintage Alaia Azzedine!]
Becoming Raw the Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diet by Brenda Davis