Fragrance Girl

Whine and a Moan

To quote Lily Allen - I'd like to have a little whine and a moan.

About what you might ask? About the fact that when I saw this hairy, shaggy bag it truly did nothing for me. Nada. In fact it may have in fact left me feeling a little flat.

And then (this is now a full fledged couch session-confession) I saw it again - and it STILL did nothing for me! If it's possible - it did even less for me the second time than it did the first!

Until (OMG can't believe I'm admitting this)... I saw THIS picture of MK carrying it (looking hungry according to Perez) and all of a sudden it seemed so rock n'roll-perfect-like-I-need-to-update-my-bag-immediately!!!

OK O'Glossy Ones - have I lost it??

(Side note: Perez Hilton=guilty pleasure. Shhh.)
Pics from