Fragrance Girl
Sean Opry & Jon Kortajarena by Anthony Meyer — Apollo Magazine #3 Fall Winter 2012.13
Senad Hoyer — Its all in your Dreams NNNEW
> Look What's in the Mail...
> Current Muse: Taylor Tomasi
> Shoeless in the City
> Like a Gang of Wild Horses
> La La Land
> DIY Patchwork Denim
> Mother of Pearl
> S-U-P-E-R
> Unkle Karl? Is that Chu??
> Modern Armor
The latest vintage inspired spread [Harper's Bazaar covers the fifties]
Mix it Up! Pair Vintage Prints with Modern Pieces!
British Vogue December [Perfume Ads]
Ninfeo Mio by Annick Goutal
The Science of Scent at the Royal Institution 22nd July
Lovely – Sarah Jessica Parker
mon alphabet français: Lettre A
Lilac, Violet, & Lavender~ Un peu d'inspiration
{... } Has Put on Her Little Black Dress
Galaxy Ad [Is it a Direct Copy of Dior Cherie Image?]
Friday Style Inspiration [Faye Dunaway]