I saw this post on Refresh Restyle a few days ago. I asked Debbie for her permission to share here.
You all know how dear to my heart animals are. This is a very serious issue. Not only for dogs, but cats and rabbits as well.
Thanks Debbie, for letting me share:
The Voice of the Voiceless
To The Human Race:
I was living in a kennel most days of my life if I was lucky. You see it was much nicer there (if you can call it nice), than when I was allowed to get out and see my brothers and sisters. We were in a pen with a tarp over the top and no grass to walk on. Our floor was nothing but dirt and most of the time we had lime thrown in with us so the neighbor could not smell how bad it was. Our pens were almost never cleaned out so we were walking on our feces and urine all the time. Our water bowls were large tubs that I could hardly reach in and get a drink when I was thirsty. There was this green line around where the water was with stuff floating in our water. I always hoped that it would rain because then I would have fresh water. This kind of living went on for years. I had babies and babies and they were taken away from me. I never knew where they went, but I knew that when the time came for them to go I would be brushed on my head and half my body so that I looked pretty for someone to see in a picture. The back side of my body was never brushed and I had these horrible mattes in my hair with lots of fleas.
I always knew that one day someone would want me and that I would never have to be a Puppy maker again. Then that day came. I heard a knock on the door and there were these people standing there. They were nice and wanted to see us…ALL of us. But they only took a few of my brothers and sisters. I was so sad they did not pick me, but happy that some of my sick brothers and sisters got to leave this horrible place we lived in. So I went back to my little piece of the world in the pen and ask God just one more time could you please send your angels to watch over us.
To my surprise the very next day, this nice police officer knocked on our door. I didn’t know what was going on but I knew these were the people that had just come the day before to get my brothers and sisters. But this time they brought more people with them and they had trucks and kennels with blankets in them. I was so excited! Could it be that this time they would pick me? I stood up on my back little legs as if to say. Pick Me, Pick Me….and guess what..they did. Then I realized I was scared. What if they were taking me somewhere else just like this place. But I could tell by the voice of the lady holding me and cuddling me that I would never be in a place like this. Her voice was so soft spoken to me. She was telling me how beautiful I was and that I would NEVER have to be a puppy maker ever again. Could it be true, is what I was thinking. She put me in a nice crate with a soft blanket in it and sat me inside her truck. Then she turned it on so I would not be hot with the air blowing.
I could hear the Humans talking. I could not see what they were doing but their voices where so sweet even the man (Mr. Steve) that was helping. Then my Mastiff sister was put in the truck with me. She got to lay on the seat with a blanket, WOW this is exciting. Could it be true that we were leaving this House of Terror????
On the ride with the new lady, she talked to me and my Mastiff sister. She told us that she loved us. WOW, how could she do that she didn’t know us. Then we made a stop to drop off my Mastiff Sister. She told me that it was ok that she was going to be taken care of by Dr. Amy. What is a Dr. Amy, I was wondering. But I thought, it must be ok. Then the next stop was for me. We stopped at a Dr. Julie, well to my amazement I was given a bath, which I did not like. But I will say I felt so much better and I did not have all those fleas on me anymore. She wrapped me in a warm blanket and said to Mr. Steve, that she would take me to her house. I was beginning to realize that I wasn’t scared of her or Mr. Steve.
When I reached my new home, I had 2 new sisters and a brother that were running around and playing. Then she did it. She took me outside and put me down. And WOW was I amazed. There was this green stuff on the ground that felt so good under my paws. Could it be that I would get to run and play in this green stuff…Oh my it was true, I had never touched grass before and I knew at that very moment that God had sent his Angels in to rescue us, all of us and to watch over us?
I beg you if you read this please consider finding one of these Angels to help you find a Puppy like me that needs a great home and please don’t pay money to the House of Terrors. There are so many loving animals that need a great home just like me. And so many great Rescue Groups that are working everyday to save pups like me. If you don’t know a rescue group to adopt from, this is my favorite and I recommend them to everyone…FURREVER HOMES RESCUE. You can find them on facebook at FurreverHomes Rescue or you can find Mr. Steve (Steve Williams) or my new mama Donna Amos Lord. They are all located in Baldwin County, Alabama.
With loving Paws,
Belle (A former Puppy Mill Puppy Maker)

This is actually pretty mild, these puppy mills are horrific and they lucky ones make it out with the help of rescue groups.
Please, PLEASE adopt from a shelter or a reputable rescue group. Every life you save, saves dozens more!