Fragrance Girl

Front Row Footwear...

Alright - full apologies! I took a brief hiatus from blogging - but I'm back! I missed you all desperately and couldn't quite deal with all the silence. I last left off discussing my high-summer gear for St. Tropez/Ibiza and gladiators were the topic. Since then I've discovered some "glad-i-haters" out there... and I'd like to take a moment to support my point...

If they're good enough for Anna Della Russo and Carine Roitfeld (below) - they're good enough for me. Whilst in Ibiza I acutally fell quite literally head-over-heels for these puppy's...

and I all but had them in a bag swung over my shoulder and was half way through the shop door, when it occured to me to try them on. That's when my dreams came tumbling down. Usually not one to shy away from some extreme height in my heels - I was however picturing wearing them at my brother's summer wedding with some slighty demure dress... thinking that the shoes would give the outfit the perfect "edge" - when I realised due to their staggering height their expiration time was about 10 minutes standing upright!! (Question: are gladiators acceptable footwear for a wedding??)

Now if you happen to be Queen of French Vogue then I would suppose Conde Naste would pay for car service to and from the shows... and all Carine has to do is look lovely wearing them SITTING in the front row.

(There is one other place they would be most appropriate... however I wasn't sure they would get the full appreciation they deserved!)

Top pic from The Sart.

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