An imaginative local furniture emporium called L'Atelier stocks a huge range of home fragrances, scented candles and room sprays. They have just one eau de toilette, called Ensoleille Moi. It smells to me like a very mild, warm amber. It is slightly peppery and has a tinge of gourmand spice.
The name of the fragrance means literally Sunshine Me, which suggests a summer fragrance. But I would definitely have this down as a winter scent, despite the name and the yellow and gold of the packaging. According to Now Smell This, this André Gas fragrance " has notes of tiaré absolute, bergamot, ylang ylang and coconut". Interestingly, tiaré is also known as Tahitian Gardenia. However, this André Gras fragrance has nothing in common with the Pacifica Tahitian Gardenia cream that I bought yesterday.
Reading other reviews, Ensoleille Moi is often referred to as a beach fragrance. The exotic tiaré notes are said to suggest sunshine and suncream. Perhaps if I had tried this on a hot summer's day in Monte Carlo rather than a rainy February day in London, then I might have felt the same.
Best Sunshine Fragrance
For lovers of fragrances that sum up a hot summer's day — then I would recommend trying Annick Goutal's Eau du Sud. Alternatively Clarins Eau Dynamisante is my guilty pleasure at duty-free.
Fragrance Girl
Thursday, February 18, 2016