Fragrance Girl

Turning Japanese

Confession: I've been sleeping 10 hours a night for the last week. I'm trying to listen to what my body is telling me - umm ya - that it's damn tired! It may also be storing sleep in anticipation of mad jet-leg... I'm taking off for a 2 week trip to Asia next Sunday. First stop - Tokyo!

I've been to Tokyo quite a few times, but honestly the novelty never really wears off. It's by far the most original place on earth to spend some of your hard earned dollars (and by some I mean all). I'm really excited this time around because a) I will be by myself b) I really want to check out a few of Limi Feu's stores.

In reality she shares the same last name (and some of those avant-garde Japanese fashion genes) with her father, Yohji Yamamoto. Her aesthetic is slightly darker/more rock n' roll/cool chic that her mildly romantic father. Whatever. I'm just really interested in seeing the collection in it's natural habitat. There's got to be something to say for that, no??

Oh ya - anyone that wants to give free shopping advice for Tokyo - I'm all ears! xx

limi.feu, wgsn,