Well, hiya babies.
I'm sure you probably all guessed that I'm going to take a hiatus from blogging.
I'm going on a blog vacation:
I've totally got blog burnout:
Actually, this happened awhile ago. I'm just here to confirm the rumors.
I'm taking a:
I just had my 2 year blogiversary (sorry, it was a very quiet affair) and while I've been not blogging, I've been re-evaluating what is important in my life:
I had become houseproud and I was extremely envious of all these other women who had absolutely gorgeous homes with all the lovely features I desired in my home. Everything they did was perfect. They looked perfect, had perfect families, made perfect meals and everything in their lives was perfect.
I don't like the blogosphere. It's like a High School popularity contest and all the drama that involves. I'm not in High School anymore and I don't need the drama, I have quite enough already, thanks.
I started thinking that life was my blog and wanted that perfect life.
Oh, I made a cake!! I'm blogging about this!! I spray painted a whosie-whatsit!! I'm blogging about this!
I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize myself.
Good Lord Meg, what the Hell happened to you??
I didn't like me.
I was spending ALL my extra time on something to do with this blog.
My hubby became someone I just shared space with, and occasionally coaxed into helping me fix a blog project gone wrong.
I was stressed, had anxiety attacks, was depressed and put on a TON of weight.
None of these things happened overnight, but I decided it was going to stop.
I got off my ass, bought a treadmill, started eating better... I really started to feel better!!
The kidney stone thing happened, and that REALLY kicked me into full gear.
A lovely side effect of living healthier is weight loss.
I'm changing so much about my life.
Getting healthy, reconnecting with the love of my life, I'm in the process of getting braces (something I've wanted to do all my life), I've changed my hair and have decided to try like Hell to grow it out...
You guys, I haven't felt this good in decades.
I'm taking pride in how I look, because I feel good and have tons more energy.
This is me, today:
I have never been happier. Feeling good feels so great!
I'm calm, have energy and I'm worth it.
I am the main character in my life and I'm going to live a life, well lived!!
I'm not sure when, or if I will come back.
I don't fit the mold of the blogging world.
I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
I'm a free spirit, and I will never, ever change just to please others.
I will only do that to please myself.
I wish you all the greatest of luck.
There are some of you that I've met because of this little blog that are truly wonderful people, and I love you and really hope we can keep in touch!
Some of you... not so much.
But, that's ok.
Do what you gotta do to win that popularity contest and take no fucking prisoners.
If you appreciate me for who I am, please, shoot me a message so we can keep in touch.
It's been fun!
Maybe we will have some new and different fun in the future!
Toodles babies!!