Fragrance Girl

Snow day ~

It's a snow day here at NMP.
The finches are enjoying the seed, the babies are enjoying watching the finches and I'm enjoying that we don't have to leave the house. Going to stay in, make Christmas presents and treats.

Move furniture:



Max says "Heeeeeeeeey!!"

Snow days are tricky. You'd think, with all the white going on outside, you'd be able to get some kick ass natural light in the house.


I can never seem to get the lighting thing right.

I need to be schooled.

Oh well. Not going to worry about that today.

There are worse things happening out there.

I'm going to enjoy a day at home, with my Hubby, Sister and babies. Make memories. Tell them how much they are loved. Count my blessings.

Tell the people you love that you love them every chance you get.
You never know when it may be the last time.

And know, that I love you all too.