Endearing and light-hearted reading is sometimes necessary medicine in this often vapid industry, non? Especially loving The Unknown Hipster's recount of The Venice Biennale... plus this illustration of Marc Jacobs allegedly kicking him into the canal after his less than glorious arrival on a on a floating barge?! Too funny! Even better is MJ's comment! PS. That's apparently Stella McCartney with him...

"Marc here. I resent the implication that I kicked you into the canal when you know quite well that you fell in. Even when covered in canal slime one could infer from your odor that your lack of equilibrium was due to one too many grappas before your clumsy debarkation from the loony boat you sailed in on.
Please note: I wouldn’t have even noticed this deviation from reality if you hadn’t harassed my assistant into visiting your website…"