Alright consider this post my last ditch quest for a dress! (For those just tuning in - BROTHER - MARRIAGE - 2 WEEKS!).
I don't know why I'm having such a hard time - I actually purchased a perfectly lovely black DVF number only to return it after feeling funeral vibes more than wedding vibes. And then I clicked over to the lovely Mrs Fashion's blog thinking she may offer words of wisdom... and I found her post about being over-dressed! Dear god at this rate I might need cocktails before the wedding.
So my dear Glossy One's - I turn to you! Quelle dress?
Dress #1 - Milly
Pretty. Looks like 2 pieces but it's not. Good day-to-night dress. May confuse my mother. (Is that bad?)

Dress #2 - Vera Wang Lavender
TOO pretty?? Like that it's black without being funeral appropriate. Edgy shoes might help? Mother would approve. (Is THAT bad?)

Dress #3 - See by Chloe
Sigh! Je l'adore! However... having it burned into eternity in the family album?? Not so sure.

All dresses from net-a-porter. What does Montreal have against nice dresses??