Today I'm wearing the Montale fragrance Jasmin Full. It's very prim and proper and somehow lacking in imagination. If it were a movie charachter it would be Truman's wife, Meryl, in The Truman Show. It smells like a perfume trying not to be a perfume. Or perhaps a perfume for somebody who feels they 'should' wear perfume.
When I read Luca Turin's review of La Chasse aux Papillons a while back, he said something along the lines of 'school mistressy'. I couldn't see that in connection with LCAP, but would say that's a perfect description for Jasmin Full. It's a 'clean' jasmine fragrance, with very little depth.
If you are looking for a perfume, but want to avoid anything too 'perfumey', then why not start with something much more natural like Philosykos by Diptyque. Another great choice for something mild and not too long lasting is Coeur D'Ete by Miller Harris. At the opposite end of the spectrum, if you're looking for a sexy, evening jasmine perfume with a lot more depth, then try Jasmin Noir by Bvlgari.
Fragrance Girl
Friday, March 4, 2016