Fragrance Girl

Bois des Iles, Angelique Encens and Miss Dior Cherie

The rigours of the weekend are over – so it’s time for some serious sniffing. I’ve had a few quick sniffs since yesterday. After reading a glowing review of Bois des Iles, I had to put some on before going to bed. I wanted to love it. However, my husband’s response was ‘candy floss in a cigar box’ and I tend to agree. There’s an austerity to the woodiness that doesn’t quite seem to match the fluffy pink top notes. I’m beginning to realise that the first time you test something, you don’t fully get to grips with it. Most things need to be tried out three or four times before you can truly make a decision. Then this morning I tried out Creed’s Angélique Encens, which I feel neutral about. I don’t dislike it, but it’s so mild, that I find it difficult to make any comment on it at all. There is a slight churchliness about it. People use the word ‘ethereal’ to describe Angélique Encens, and that reflects how I feel about it. It’s difficult to categorise or pin down. This morning I was rifling through my perfumes looking for J’Adore, which I really enjoyed when I first tried it. By chance, I came across Miss Dior Cherie, which I haven’t tried since being given the sample. The advertising is dreamy and reminds me of the advertising for Coco Mademoiselle – a fragrance that’s easy to fall in love with. Cherie was pretty enough but disappointing in its lack of depth. As it’s only the first time that I’ve smelt it, I may have more positive things to say about it next time. It’s got a very fruity opening – which is apparently mandarin and strawberry. Miss Dior Cherie was created by Christine Nagel, the co-creator (with Francis Kurkdjian) of the celebrated Narciso Rodriguez for her. So nothing outstanding today. More reviews tomorrow.

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