Well, hey there nutty friends!
Having a good weekend??
We here in Utah have been dealing with this the past 24 hours:

Yep, lots and lots of snow. I predict this Winter will be a doosey.
Remember how I said that after the stair project, I was going to be doing a lot of nothing???
Well, see... that doesn't work for me. It's a nice thought though. But, I can't sit still.
I've been wanting my parking spot in the garage back. You see... it's filled with lumber, power tools, pallets that I SWEAR I'm going to use. I decided to use some of that lumber on a project instead of just storing it away.
I've wanted to change up my kitchen island for quite some time now. If you would take a quick walk down memory lane with me, let's visit all the past incarnations of my kitchen island:

It started it's life, like this. Builders grade and dark. So, I painted it to a lovely soft grey:

Hi Maximus.
I'm not sure what happened. Over time, it's turned green. For the longest time I thought it was just me. You know how OCD I am. But, when one of my neighbors stopped by and commented on my "Green" island... uh, yeah. Not just me!
I've wanted to beef this up a bit. Problem with it was, I wanted to do a B&B treatment. But, those additional baking sheet cabinets made that awkward.
Sarah (AKA Thrift Decor Chic) had the same problem when doing this treatment on her island. I kind of followed her lead. Except, I tore out the toe kicks and actually brought them forward, glued them in place and then moulded around them.

Ooooo... see the green?!?! Maybe it was the poly. Anyway...
I painted it out in "High Speed Steel" and I love how it brings out the grey's in the counter top and floor.
Take a look at my beefy drama queen of an island:

Oh yes, and let's not forget my favorite thing in the world: Beadbaord Wallpaper. I actually painted it this time. {Big Cheesy Grin}

Like my copper garbage can?? Spray paint to the rescue!! LOVE!
And the white outlet... is... driving... me... crazy!!!

Just block it out Meg... It's ok.

Added some cute hooks, for towels and stuff.

And, I'm still obsessed with gorgeous organic eggs from my awesome neighbors.

As I was taking pics, I heard the kids cackling at the back door. Turned around to see a group of adorable, chubby little finches enjoying the seed:

I see you too.
You're welcome adorable, chubby birdies. We will keep the feeder full for you through the Winter.

Sometimes, a little bit of drama is a good thing!