Hah, the title got your attention, didn't it?!?!
I'm bad, I know.
Hope you all enjoyed your long holiday weekend. I actually accomplished every project I had planned. I think that is a first! I'm still working on turning the board & batten wall into a picture wall. It's going to take some time collecting the frames I would like to use. My awesome neighbors have been coming to my aid! I will show you as soon as I'm finished.
Here is a quick one I did this afternoon. I had 2 of these:

Your basic, run of the mill, pleather storage ottomans.
They had seen better days. The legs had been chewed up by my overly ambitious vacuuming and the kids had torn up the lovely pleather with super sharp claws. I didn't want to get rid of them. They are great storage and are really very sturdy. They double as seating for my computer desk and when we have visitors they are easily brought into other rooms for guests.
But, they were looking pretty ratty! I had purchased an entire bolt of inexpensive muslin to use on another project that never panned out {no big surprise there}. I threw the whole bolt of fabric in the wash. I love how it came out so soft and wrinkled.
I just grabbed my electric nail gun and VERY rustically stapled the fabric around the inside making full ruffles all around. Then wrapped the top in it as well. And, wa-lah!! I think they turned out pretty adorable!!

Drew thinks they look very girlie. Yeah, I'd say they do... and I love them. Actually, Max is curled up sleeping on this one as I type. Such a manly cat, that boy. Just look for him on the softest spot in the house! What a tough guy. Hardly. He's a 16 lb purring teddy bear.
Hope you're summer is off to a fun start! I'm gearing up for some pretty big projects this summer. Well, big for me anyway. :-)
There are a few more hours left to sign up for my blogiversary giveaway!!
Can't wait to see who is the lucky one to win all the schwag!