Kita's peonies 2012
Happy Saturday y'all! Hope you are having a lovely weekend wherever you are!
I've been staying busy doing futzy little things around here. This week I worked on changing up our entry way.
Someday, I will have one of those grand foyers with mile high ceilings and windows, for now, my front door enters into our large, open main floor. So, things need to flow.
Now, I don't think our home follows a particular style. I'm pretty eclectic in my tastes. A little cottage, a little country, a little rustic, a little whimsical... I like it all.
I had this giant framed poster that I got free from my office. It's cool, but not really our style. I figured at the very least I could use the frame. I actually made this to go in our kitchen, but didn't like it in the space. It started life as this:
See how big it is? All I did, was paint over the glass with chalkboard paint and paint the frame dark grey.
Then, I painted this dark all wood table I got from Ikea a few years ago mourning dove grey:

I feel like an idiot. When I started this change I was POSITIVE I had before pictures of the area, but of course... I can't find them. I'm a loser... sorry.
But anyway, here is the after:

Baby boy Max.

Again, you will have to take my word for it... it looks MUCH better! I'm loving the big chalkboard there. See how this paint changes color depending on where it is? It's definitely grey, but looks tan in these pics. Almost a match for the wall color! Might have to fix that!
I'm looking forward to Memorial Day weekend next week. I'm going to tackle a project that I've never done before. Wonder what it will be... stay tuned!
Oh, and that big blogiversary is on Wednesday! Be sure to check back and see all the great giveaways I've got lined up!!
Have a great weekend!