Fragrance Girl

Gratitiude ~

Hey babies!

It's Monday {BOO!!} and I felt this overwhelming need to tell you...

I'm not one of those bloggers who posts everyday.
I believe in quality over quantity.

And I have a day job.

That doesn't leave me tons of time to complete big projects as often as I'd like.
Things have been crazy in our lives the past few months, and my to-do list keeps getting longer and longer. I keep saying "When things settle down, I'm tackling the Master bedroom, laundry room, closets..." I'm lucky if we have food and clean clothes these days!

So, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you coming back and seeing what I've been up to.
Not always exciting, not always pretty.

But, you come back and always say such sweet and lovely things.

You 'get' me and appreciate that I don't fit into the 'blogger mold'.
I'm opinionated, speak my mind, probably offensive, don't give things away (unless it's SUPER special!), don't advertise, probably drink too much, don't quote the bible, don't have cute offspring running around, am a crazy cat lady - sorta, stay away from the drama of the blogging world, not out to impress anyone but myself... I'm different. Proud to be and will never apologize for it.

And still,

you come back.

And I LOVE you for it.

Just wanted to tell you: