Hey babies!
Happy Saturday!
It's been blah and snowing for the past 3 days here.
I'm one of those people who NEEDS natural light.
I got up {although, I slept in late...ahhhhhhhh} and needed to bring some cheer into this house.
I decided I need to see some color in here. Maybe, Spring like color.
I cleaned off the farm table, moved the blue box to another location, and filled one of my favorite baskets with empty jars and a faux plant. I plan on putting something in the jars, just not sure yet. Maybe some utensils? We'll see what strikes me.

Filled another empty jar with some silk ranunculus. One of my all time favorite flowers.

Placed them right next to my favorite print:

Getting a little more cheerful in here!

Birds, and more birds:

Flowers and more flowers.
I don't decorate for Valentine's Day. Never have.
But, today I added a little love to the mantle.

The sun has been peeking out the last hour or so.
I had to refill the seams on the back door trim because it cracked something fierce.
I'm off to paint it all up and rehang the curtain tie backs.
I decided to forgo the crown on the back door.
I love/hate crown moulding.
I will show you when it's all done.
Here's to Spring.
It's only January 12th.
Oh, before I go, I wanted to make sure you all had piles of stuff like this in your house:

The odd Christmas decoration and construction materials waiting to be taken into the basement and be put away. Yeah. This is real life.