Hi guys!!
Enjoying the long weekend?? Hope so!
We've been working on fun molding projects to add some character to the house. This one I had pinned ages ago. When I was wishing and hoping for the skills and tools to do this myself. When I finally got the tools and nerve, this was one of the first I wanted to do. If you want detailed instructions, go here to see how Decor Chic did this.
I've decided that:
- She makes this look REALLY easy.
- We made it lots harder than it probably needed to be.
- I really dislike working with crown molding.
- If you can master crown molding, you are a genius.
Thank heavens for paintable caulk! Still, I'm thrilled with how this turned out. I wasted a whole piece of crown getting this wrong. It's CONFUSING STUFF!!!
So, we added some MDF, crown and decorative molding to the tops of our downstairs main focal doorways. The kitchen before:

The kitchen after:

And the front door, before:

And, after:

Like I said, this sucked and was hard for our small brains... but love how it turned out.
I'm having SO much fun with my power tools! I keep looking around wondering what other trouble I can get into... and drag Drew into. :-) He's such a good sport and I love him to pieces. My partner in crime.
So, what do you think? Did we do ok with this?