Fragrance Girl

Dubai Unveils UAE's first gold bullion 'Khalifa' coin
  • Dubai has once again given the world something exclusive to look forward to. The Dubai Multi Commodities Center Authority (DMCC) has introduced their five-ounce gold bullion coin prototype and rumors are it will be used as legal tender. The coin nicknamed “Khalifa” was minted in Switzerland by Argor-Heraeus SA.which is accredited by the DMCC’s Dubai Gold Delivery (DGD) standard. The “Khalifa” coin, designed by the authority, features a portrait of UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan on one side, and on the other, Burj Khalifa. DMCC would like this gold coin to be the first of its kind to be used a legal tender in all of UAE and the Middle East. It is in negotiations with the United Central Bank to see this plan through. DMCC hopes this coin will achieve an iconic status symbol and international recognition for UAE.