Fragrance Girl

Progress on the B&B picture wall ~

Helloooooo lovies!

So, I've been sick this week. Like, really sick. Thought I even had scarlet fever, again. But, I don't have the major symptoms of the rash and strawberry tongue. I think I've been awake no more than 12 hours in the past 4 days. So, not much other than dreaming up projects has been done around here.

Oh, I lie. On Saturday {before I got sick} we finished the topper for the basement door, so now they all match! Yay!

Backing it up a couple weeks... when I finished the B&B wall and decided to make it a picture wall... I put a shout out to all my neighbors for old wooden picture frames that they weren't using. I wanted lots of different colors and styles. Boy, did my neighbors come through! I painted a couple, but mostly used them exactly as they were given to me {Thanks awesome neighbors (Shelley)!!}.

Before the pictures:

And, as it is today:

My older Sister, Merry and I. I love this picture.

The top one is my favorite. A small grapevine wreath attached to an empty small frame and hung inside another bigger frame.

Drew and I, a bouquet of Kita's roses, dried and a couple of my crystal kitties.

My family. So much love.

I would love to get a letter 'C' to put up somewhere. But, I think it looks great.

What do you think? Did I do ok?